Study Microbiology Abroad!
During summers, we partner with colleagues in the UK, Iceland, and Colombia to run short but intensive microbiology courses in tropical and near-arctic locations. We alternate between these locations. UMass Dartmouth students earn 3 upper level credits in Biology toward their degrees!
Check out some blog posts from past trips! |
Check out some student-made videos! | | | | |
MedellĂn, Colombia.
We base ourselves in this modern and vibrant Colombian city for a two-week exploration of tropical microbiology, with a focus on bioprospecting. Students collect soil and plant samples from Tulenapa, the Universidad de Antioquia field station in the Uraba region, and from the Cotove station near Santa Fe de Antioquia.
At various locations in Iceland, we explore the microbial diversity near the Arctic circle. We focus on fundamental questions such as the microbes interacting in lichens, and applied topics such as the microbes inhabiting geothermal locations, which may be useful in biotechnology.
For more information, please contact me!